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Community Partners

Windsor Essex CHC relies on our community partners along with the assistance of our business partners in providing safe, affordable housing in Windsor and Essex County.

CHC seeks partnerships to strengthen our communities, neighbourhoods and programs. Our community and agency partnerships have developed many innovative programs which serve to benefit our residents and our communities.

Windsor Essex CHC will be recognized as a resourceful housing corporation seeking innovative opportunities to improve our service delivery. We will be a leader in creating partnerships, engaging staff and residents to solve problems and generate ideas to support our mission and values.


Grandview Youth Centre

Operating through funding received from Drouillard Place, The Grandview Youth Centre is a Non-profit centre providing educational and community-based services for neighbourhood youth. The Youth Centre at Grandview includes a Computer for Kids program.

Visit website.

Canadian Mental Health Association

Windsor Essex County Health Unit

Community Living Windsor

Pathway to Potential

Community Living Essex County

VON Canada – Windsor Essex County

Family Service Windsor-Essex Counselling & Advocacy

Windsor-Essex Housing Connection

CUP - The University of Windsor Community Revitalization Partnership

University of Windsor logo

Originally established in 2004 by the former Windsor Essex County Housing Corporation and the Field Education Program in the School of Social Work at the University of Windsor.

Conceived as a pilot project, the Partnership has developed community-based centres for neighbourhood renewal and development which foster a multi-disciplinary university-community collaboration that involves the engagement of university students from undergraduate, graduate and professional programs who are given an opportunity to facilitate leadership development and volunteerism among neighbourhood residents, individuals outside the neighbourhood, community groups and agencies.

The support of the University of Windsor has been instrumental in developing this initiative and has provided computers, technical support, furniture and other infrastructure support to the Centre as well as grant and staff/faculty support.

Windsor Essex CHC continues to provide in-kind office space, staff support through our Corporate Services Department, and assistance as required or needed, on the various committees undertaken by the Partnership.

The partnership continues to work out of our Glengarry, Ouellette Manor, Raymond Desmarais and Grandview neighbourhoods.

The University of Windsor

 Windsor Police Service

Windsor Fire Rescue Service

Neighbourhood Watch Windsor

The Safety Village

United WayWindsor Essex County

New Beginnings

Hotel Dieu Grace Hospital

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